26 September 2013

Fabric Painting

Yes, we are having spring fever! ( in case someone missed it;)

We did this t-shirt for Lella to wear, she did most of it herself, with a little help in placing the hands and drawing the face and her name, but it came out so nice and now she just want to wear this shirt all the time!

It is one of those items I will keep for her in her special memory box (see the post #makingmemorieslast for more details on that).

Here are another few ideas for fabric painting we did in Creative Little Hands arts and crafts class over the years. All of them things you can use and keep for a while.

The place mat was done with a stencil, the t-shirts with kids hands and wine corks, the pillow cases with cookie cutters, and the pencil cases were free painting and adding a few loose decorative items.

One thing to remember with fabric painting is that you have to iron it at the back of the painted side for a few minutes so the paint will stay on after a wash. It does fade a bit after a while.

A fun project even for adults (you get the nicest pre-printed pictures on facric at craft shops).

This pillow case I made for Lella's room, still have to make one for baby brother...

                                  Be sure to check in soon for more fun ideas!
                           Please visit our Facebook page and Pinterest boards!!

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