15 September 2013

Liebster Award

Thanks so much for the nomination! It is so nice to be recognize, for all the hard work blogging and sharing! 
Step 1: Acknowledge your nominator by saying thank you publically
Step 2: So now I have to nominate 11 blogs which I like with fewer than 200 followers (not exactly sure on which social media the following counts, but I used Bloglovin' and Facebook to find these awesome blogs)

This Ole mom
Bumblebee days
Hip to be Mom
I spy DIY
Kelly's Korner
Mommy Mentionables
Pig & Dac
Playful learning
The Life of Faith
Classic Play!
(if you are a nominee and do accept, please do all the steps and spread the lovin'!)

Step 3: let them know of their nomination

Step 4: Now it is my turn to share 11 random facts about myself:

1) I'm a mom to a (busy)3 year old girl and baby boy(getting also very busy now)
2) We live in sunny South Africa
3) I lived and worked in the UK for a year and travelled to Europe and the USA (would looove to go again!)
4) I dislike fuzzy drinks
5) I love doing creative things
6) Favourite TV program: Grey's Anatomy
7) I studied Foundation phase (early education) teaching for 4 years and taught pre school for 3 years before turning a mom
8) I have another business, Creative Little Hands, crafty classes and products for kiddos(but are taking a year "maternity leave")
9) i've been married 7years to my varsity sweetheart(know each other for 11years now,phew!)
10) I live on carbs(yes I know, not good!)
11) Last, but important, I love Jesus!

Step 5: Q&A asked by my nominator Where Imagination grows:

1) Why did you start blogging? 
I do stuff with my kids in any case, so I thought I'll just share it, maybe it will inspire other mommies;)
2) Sunrise or Sunset?
Definitely Sunset, I'm not a morning person
3) Do you have any irrational fears? What? 
Bees! Just hate them, maybe because as a child I was stung a few times
4) Do you untie your shoes with laces when putting them on?
Nope, too lazy
5) What is the most embarressing cd you own?
Backstreet Boys, and it is a tape
6) Astrological sign?Accurately describes you?
No idea, I don't believe in that being a christian
7) What chore do you hate most?
Washing dishes, thats why I asked for a dishwasher for a house warming present
8) What inspires you?
All things creative, and my kiddies smiles;)
9) Nature walk or shopping trip
Depends, am I alone and do I have money? Yes, then shopping!
10) Do you have "dinner" or "supper"?
We call it dinner
11) Favourite book?
It is an Afrikaans book called Kringe in 'n bos. (circles in the bush, translated)

Step 6: Now for the questions that must be answered by the nominees:

1) What does blogging mean to you?
2) Where do you live?
3) How old were you when you first worked on a computer?
4) Dog or Cat person?
5) Where do you find inspiration for your blog?
6) Do you have a silly habit? What?
7) Where do you link up?
8) How do you get your kids to bed without a struggle?(if you do)
9) Favourite childrens program?
10) What do you like to do for Me-time?
11) Do you believe in Destiny?

I know it may seem like a modern type of chain letter, but you might just get some new followers yourself and find some blogs to follow. Please do continue to spread the blog loving!

And have fun!

Have fun and and please do continue to 

10. Do you have "Dinner" or "Supper"?

11. Favorite book?
art blogging?
2. Sunrise or Sunset?
3. Do you have any irrational fears? What?
4. Do you untie your shoes with laces when you take them off?

5. What is the most embarrassing CD you own?

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Sunrise or Sunset?
3. Do you have any irrational fears? What?
4. Do you untie your shoes with laces when you take them off?

5. What is the most embarrassing 

11. Favorite book?

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