6 September 2013

Outside Play: Fun with cars

We don't have too many toy cars around yet (waiting for baby brother to grow up a bit), but we played with the ones we had outside the other day.

First in our moon sand box making tracks:

Then we raced the cars down the slide into the box:

All the while working on some #languageskills, high,low,fast,slow etc. Baby brother was watching too!

Lella decided it looked like fun, sliding into the box, so she had a turn. (the tile and half brick in the background were,at one stage, a "garage"for one of the cars, #imagination)

An off course, working those #grossmotorskills. Gross motor skills are using the "big" muscles of ones body for movement and to explore the world around us. Children have to develop this in order to make sense of the world they live in, and playing outside is the best way, because it comes naturally for most kids to run, climb, skip around etc. So the more we can allow our kids to play outside, the better! Breathing in fresh air, keeping them healthy!(and keeping ones house clean-ish;)

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