30 October 2013

DIY Puffy Paint

Another easy recipe to make for the kids: puffy paint! Why is it puffy? When you place it in the microwave it puffs up and dries like that.

What you need:
Equal parts of water, flour and salt. And food colouring.

And ziploc type baggies.

I used a scoop of each ingredient and put it directly into the bag. Then added the colouring and squished it until blended. You can involve your child in this step too, it is quite a nice #sensoryexperience.

Make as much colours as you want, snip the corner of the bag and let them get creative by squeezing the paint out.

Here Lella and her 11 year old cousin was making pictures(he was making pictures, she just squeezed the paint out, but love it!) when they were done, I place the pictures in the microwave for 10 seconds, and it came out lovely! This photo was taken the previous time I made this recipe, this time there are no photos because when I was not looking the little rascal opened the bags and just made a lovely mess with it, before any photos could be snapped! (actually should have taken photos of the mess, so you could see not all toddler activities come out as planned!) Ah well, lesson learnt;)

You could use squeeze bottles instead of the bags, but what is nice about the bags- you just throw them away when done! Less cleaning;)

Have creative fun!

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