21 October 2013

Easy Paper Plate Projects

We went to visit Granpa and Granma at the Vaal river house(quite a sudden decision), so I did not pack any craft supplies except for those in Lella's travel tray. (I even forgot my own toothbrush and nappies for baby!). So with limited supplies we made these paper plate projects. It is not the most prettiest craft we ever did, but it kept her constructively occupied for a while, and of course it gave her something to show off to Daddy when he came to pick us up two days later!

The supplies we had we're paper plates, finger paint and dotty stickers. 

Painting the green plate with a brush, but then decided fingers are better for the others!

We made a big green, red/orange and blue plate. And a small one for the frog puppet.
The green one I cut so it looked like a snake, the red/orange one became a flower, the blue one a fish.

Skills developed here include: #painting,#sensory(finger painting), #imagination, #colourrecognition, #colourexploration(mixing red and yellow to get orange), #finemotorskills and #handeyecoordination(holding the paintbrush).

Such a simple craft activity, but educational and fun!

Thanks Granny and Gramps for a lovely visit! Love you!

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