12 September 2013

Outside Play: Washing doll clothes

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Oh, how I love spring! The warmer weather, everyones moods are lighter, all the spring cleaning (huh?not really, but it does give satisfaction). Luckily I have a bit of help with the cleaning, like today:
we washed the dolls clothes outside.

I set up a washing station again,with a wash bucket, rinse bucket and also a mini washing line (just a rope I tied between the fence and the jungle gyms pole).

I waited for Lella before adding the soap, so she can have the fun of mixing the soap into the water to make bubbles. Then she washed the clothes, rinsed it and hung it up. It was still a bit soapy and very wet when she hung it, but she did it all by herself and was very proud of her effort!

#finemotorskills were at work during the whole process, to wash, wring and do the pegging you use the small muscles in the hands. Did some #pairing as well when we hung up the socks and playing with the water provided a #sensoryexperience once again. All the while working on #languageskills, opposites like wet, dry, clean, dirty etc were discussed.

The clothes did not dry by the time we had to go inside for dinner, but then the tumble dryer did it's magic and Lella(without being asked) took the clothes out,using the washing basket's lid, just like I always do. Amazing how they see and imitate every little thing!

She had fun doing this "chore", and another thing I can tick off the 9 page spring cleaning list, shew!

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