30 September 2013

10+ Impromptu Activities for Baby

Sometimes(let's be honest: lots of times) a mommy just needs a minute to do something without a baby on the hip, so here are a few ideas what you can do those times you have to put baby down;) and some quick game ideas for you and baby.

- Water in the basin: simply to cool off quickly or just to play in the water without having to undress
- Roll on a beach ball: or you can use a gym ball. Very good #movementstimulation activity
- Play "tickle-tummy":causes lots of laughter, yet so simple
- Mirror play: who is the baby in the mirror? This is quite confusing for them, but still fun:-D
- Peek-a-Boo: again such a simple activity, but helps babies to overcome #seperationanxiety
- Pull-baby: use a large towel and pillow and pull baby around the house (#movementstimulation), hang interesting things all around the house and when you are busy in the kitchen, for instance, leave baby to explore something tied to the cupboard near you
- Hanging string: take a long rope and tie different things to it, then tie it to anything and let baby pull and discover #reactiononaction
- Suction toys and a window: use the bath toys or other suction toys on a window for a change
- Light and Shadow: place baby in a spot where there is light and shadow,this seems to interest them because of the contrast
- Towel-roll: roll baby up in a towel and then roll down quickly again, #movementstimulation
- When in the kitchen, give baby a few pots and pans to make "music"
- Give baby a pillow case filled with plastic bags to play with. It makes an interesting sound
- Let baby play with socks out of the drawer, peg pairs together and let baby pull of the pegs
- Let baby lie outside on a blanket to look at the leaves etc. My baby loves this!

Simple, easy, but fun!
There is so many of these activities. I share lots of them on our Facebook page, so go stop by!
And follow us on Pinterest!

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