10 October 2013

Springtime Planting

Now gardening is not one of my skills, but we got some free samples of flower seeds and well, we have to use it! 

 We don't even own proper gardening utensils, so we had to improvised;)

We waited for the first rain, to damoen the ground a bit and went to work!
Clearing the planting spot.

Sowing the seeds.

Watering with our recycled water can. (we made this a while ago, see the post on the 2013/09/08)

Baby brother also wants to help!

Having a well-deserved break on the front door steps;)

We will have to wait and see what flowers comes up, because like I mentioned earlier, it was free seeds, and it was not marked, so it will be a surprise to us what kind of flowers will grow!

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